RADICAL HISTORY REVIEW / "There Are Lives Here:" The African and African American Cemeteries of the Bonnet Carré Spillway
you are here: The Journal of Creative Geography / The Plantation Imagination: Studies in Salt, Oil, and Sugar
BOSTON REVIEW / Black Resistance in Louisiana's Cancer Alley
H-Environment Roundtable Review for Andy Horowitz, Katrina: A History, 1915–2015
ANTIGRAVITY MAGAZINE / Sick Days: A Brief History of Epidemics in New Orleans
ANTIGRAVITY MAGAZINE / Lights Out: The Flambeau Carrier Strike of 1946
ANTIGRAVITY MAGAZINE / Turf Wars: Navigating the Creative Differences of Jackson Square Artists
THE IRON LATTICE / Parlour Games
ANTIGRAVITY MAGAZINE / Sacred Ground: Unearthing Buried History at the Bonnet Carré Spillway
ANTIGRAVITY MAGAZINE / The Revolution Will Not Be Guided: New Tales for an Old City, One Tourist at a Time